During 2012 and 2013, my fatigue and pain levels were increasing, and I was not able to focus on tasks and formulate ideas as well as I had previously. I thought it was stress and continued to try and just do more,tough it out, and to “hang in there”. When I lost my job, the overwhelming fatigue, pain and inability to sleep hit me full-force. I suddenly realized how much stress I had been under and the toll it had taken on me. Over the next 3 years, my symptoms would ebb and flow, but I could not regain the focus, drive and energy that was my trademark.

People who suffer from one of the auto-immune diseases such as lupus, fibromyalgia, or chronic fatigue syndrome have what we call rebound days. You wake up one day, the sun is shining, you feel good, so you decide to do something like clean your house, or go shopping, or call on potential clients. Then you wake up the next day in pain, exhausted, unable to garner the energy to move enough to perform the most basic tasks. Sometimes rebound for me would last a day, sometimes it would last a week.

Doctors help us cope by prescribing anti-depressants, sleep aids, anti-inflammatory medications, and medicines that adjust levels of brain hormones. Sometimes, even narcotics are used to help dull the pain. All of these medications make the “brain fog” even worse, and sap energy levels. Weight gain is not uncommon, either due to the medication, or to depression and lack of activity.

I was looking at giving up pieces of my life, bit by bit. I didn’t feel like attending church or meetings regularly because sitting in a straight chair for 90 minutes was uncomfortable and caused more rebound. My relationships suffered because I didn’t feel like getting out of the house. My business stagnated because I could not build momentum. Driving more than a few miles was torture.  What kind of future would I have? As a mother, wife, grandmother, would I become a burden, rather than the rock that my family counted on? I feared the worst.

Unwilling to give in to my fears, I reached out to a friend who was having success with a new homeopathic weight loss program.  I thought if I could lose some of the weight, it would help my pain and energy levels.  I had no idea at the time where this path would take me or what the results would be!

Four months into the program, I have been able to lose 22 pounds, but that is not the most amazing part.  You really need to lean in, to listen carefully.  Check this out:

I  have my useful life back!

I am no longer looking at giving up or giving away pieces of my life, my identity, my relationships.  It is a feeling like few others and I can tell you that the ability to fully participate in life is a blessing I will never again take for granted.

The best feeling of all is that I know that I will be able to maintain this because the solution lies in giving my body what it needs to be healthy and to heal itself.  I know I may still have difficult days, but I also know that they will not last.

If you or someone you know suffers as I did, please reach out.  I am enthusiastic about helping to change the future for everyone I can reach!

Until we connect, be happy and healthy!